polychromatic thoughts……………..

September 1, 2008


Filed under: computers,linux — maniacmind @ 11:49 PM

WELL TODAY A LOT MANY PEOPLE TURNED UP FOR THE WORKSHOP…about 200 people that too after leaving those without the delegate cards…i really felt bad those guys i wanted them all to attend the workshop after all we believe in freedom we believe in open source…………

so without wasting time of anyone i start with what all been taught today in the workshop leaving behind the installation process i will start with python portion

started with the modules….

what is a module….?

Technicallty saying module can be defined as a file that contains a collection of related functions and realted data grouped together…..or in a very crude way its something like iostream in c++

we started with appuifw module which stands for( APPLICATION  USER INTERFACE FRAMEWORK)

To use a module in our code we have to import it in the beginning  of the script only….

import appuifw

To call or address the function in a module
lets start with the function note of module appuifw


The sample code given was

appuifw.note(u"hello world","info")

“info” gives the i symbol in the note it stands of any thing informing the user about something……like keypad getting locked or unlocked.Here u used in the symbol represents the unocode(about Unicode i would rather suggest you to refer wikipedia)
in place of “info” we can also use “error” and “conf”
i would suggest the people to try it out themselves and see what they do…………………
after the note function we moved on to query function………………
single feild dailog query

query(label,type[,initial value])

sample code
rather than using all the types of query function I’ll use all of them together…………

appuifw.query(u"type yor name:","text")
apappuifw.query(u"enter a date:","date")
apppuifw.query(u"enter a time:","time")
appuifw.query(u"u are working on python s60","float")

the initial vales can also be included
i would like to write something more
1—>for text fields,return value is Unicode string.
2–>for date fields the date is calculate in seconds since due to epoch.
(goggle out epoch)
(PS: I would suggest people to try all that given above by themselves i anyone face any problem i can be reached 99986411323 or leave a comment i would surely try to help to solve the problem
this is all for today will be back tomorrow with the progress of second day……………

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